Wednesday, July 28, 2010

If BushCo had access to Russian Caspian oil would it be even easier to engineer shortages and price hikes?

Yes, because they would hold on to it in order to inflate the pricesIf BushCo had access to Russian Caspian oil would it be even easier to engineer shortages and price hikes?
What a facinating question as a UK fan of your answers I must say that the saying you cant make an omlette without laying eggs has never been so true, now as fans of mine in America know,I have been worried about the decline of standards in your once great country,the sub prime market, the the war in Iraq and Britney flashing her kipper are just a few examples, therefore i intend to launch my campaign to become the first English president of the USA my first executive orders will include the restoration of the monarchy paid for by the sale of California to Mexico,I am depending on your vote I will stand head to toe with you in your hour of need.what was your question again.?If BushCo had access to Russian Caspian oil would it be even easier to engineer shortages and price hikes?
So, you think the President can engineer shortages and price hike of a world commodity?

Please provide some data to support this. I'd be very interested in seeing how you come to that conclusion.
How about the Putin, Iran and Chavez controlling the market by using oil as a weapon?

Therefore, the answer is No to your question.
Yes, and 9/11 was an inside job, landing on the moon never occured, JFK was assasinated by the CIA, and other well informed conclusions from the wise and centered among us.
being pelosi and soros have more in hedging oil,than all of bushes cabinet.who do you think is holding the cards?
Yes. Then Bush could burn it all up and make global warming worse. If you believe that I pity you.
I do not understand your question. Please expound.
Of course! He who controls the supply, controls the flow.

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